Curriculum Vitae



Brigham Young University – August 2012
Dissertation: Evaluation in computer-assisted language learning


Brigham Young University – August 2005
Project: Self-access centers: Maximizing learners’ access to center resources


Brigham Young University – December 2003
Emphasis: Second language acquisition and pedagogy


Eckstein, G., Evans, N. W., Hartshorn, K. J., & McMurry, B. L. (2022). Curriculum Development for Intensive English Programs: A Contextualized Framework for Language Program Design and Implementation. Taylor & Francis.

Barker, J., Dewey, D., & McMurry, B. (2022). Positive Psychology Reading Materials: Integrating Reading Skills and Well-Being in ESL Instruction. EdTech Books.

Phillips, M., Dewey, D. P., Rogers, C., Summers, M., & McMurry, B. (2022). Positive Psychology in the Classroom.

Book Chapters

McMurry, B.L., Evans, N.W., Dutra, P.K., Montaño, C., Sohler, S., Whippy, V.T. (2023). Perceptions of Language-Program Administrators’ Most Important Responsibilities. In: Christison, M., Stoller, F.L. (eds) English Language Program Administration. Educational Linguistics, vol 59. Springer, Cham.

Cox, T., McCollum, R., McMurry, B. (2010). Ipods in the ESL Classroom Chapter in TESOL’s Classroom Practice Series


Smith, L., Tanner, M. W., & McMurry, B. L. (2024). Mindfulness in the English Language Classroom: Student Perceptions of Positive Psychology Curriculum Interventions. The Canadian Modern Language Review80(4), 285-312.

Rogers, C., McMurry, B. L., & Dewey, D. P. (2023). Teaching positive psychology lessons in an intensive English program. ELT Journal, ccad052.

Eckstein, G., Coca, K., Lung, Y. S. M., & McMurry, B. L. (2023). Praise in Written Feedback: How L2 Writers Perceive and Value Praise. Reading & Writing Quarterly40(2), 135–151.

Hartshorn, K. J., Hart, J. M., & McMurry, B. L. (2022). Improving Student Evaluations of TESOL Practitioners. TESL Reporter, 54(1&2), 43–89. Link

Judd, J., Henrichsen, L., Eckstein, G., McMurry, B.L. (2021). Malaysian English Teacher Morale and the Presence of Expatriate English Teachers. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching Link

Rivera, C. K., Eckstein, G., Eddington, D. E., & McMurry, B. L. (2021). The effects of metacognitive listening strategy instruction on ESL learners’ listening motivation. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, 11(1), 251–267. Link

Hartshorn, K. J., & McMurry, B. L. (2020). The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on ESL Learners and TESOL Practitioners in the United States. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 2(2), 140–156.

McGann, S., Evans, N. W., McMurry, B. L., & Sandholtz, K. (2020). Challenges in BCOM: Student and Faculty Perceptions on English as an Additional Language. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.

James, J.C., Henrichsen, L., Tanner, M., McMurry, B.L. (2019) The Development of the Study Buddy Map, A Tool for L2 Conversation-Partner Programs. TESL Reporter. Link

Nix, M., Evans, N., Eckstein, G. McMurry, B.L. (2019). Designing and Developing an Online Self-Regulated Learning Course. International Journal of Designs for Learning.

James, J.C., Henrichsen, L., Tanner, M., McMurry, B.L. (2019). A Case Study in the Administration and Operation of an L2 Conversation-Partner Program. TESL Reporter Link

Hartshorn, K.J., McMurry, B.L., Hart, J. (2019). Comparing Language Skill Priorities among TESOL Faculty and ESL Students bound for English-medium Universities. TESOL Journal.

Summers M., Cox T., Dewey D., & McMurry B. (2019). Investigating the Use of the ACTFL Can-Do Statements in an Intensive English Program for Student Placement. System.

Cox, J., Henrichsen, L., Tanner, M., McMurry, B.L. (2019). The Needs Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation of the English Pronunciation Guide: An ESL Teachers’ Guide to Pronunciation Teaching Using Online Resources. TESL-EJ. Link

McMurry, B., West, R. E., Rich, P., Williams, D. D., Anderson, N. J., & Hartshorn, K. J., (2016). An evaluation framework for CALL, TESL-EJ, 20(2), 1-31. Link

McMurry, B., Rich, P. J., Hartshorn, K. J., Anderson, N. J., & Williams, D. D. (2016). Criteria language teachers use when selecting CALL technologies. The Journal of Language Learning and Teaching, 6(1), 48-65. Link

McMurry, B, L., Tanner, M. W., & Anderson, N. J. (2010). Self-Access Centers: Maximizing Learners’ Access to Center Resources. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 1(2), 100-114. Link

McMurry, B., Tanner, M., & Anderson, N. (2009). Self-Access Centers: Maximizing English Language Learners’ Access to Center Resources. TESL-EJ, 13(1). Link


Araiza, M., Rodriguez, J., McMurry, B.L. (2024). Socioeconomic Factors Influencing English Language Learning in University Students. Presentation given at the Psychology of Language Learning PLL5 Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Thorpe, C., Smemoe, W., McMurry, B., Hartshorn, K. J. (2024). The Effect of Second Language Anxiety on English Learners’ Foreign Language Accuracy, Comprehensibility, and Speech Rate Across Three Communication Tasks. Presentation given at the Psychology of Language Learning PLL5 Conference, Madrid, Spain.

McMurry, B., Summers, M., Jackson, K., Rogers, C. (2024). A Framework for Evaluating Positive Institution. Presentation given at the Psychology of Language Learning PLL5 Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Farrales, J., Dewey, D., McMurry, B., Bell, T. (2024). Character Strengths with Early Career and Pre-Service Coaching. Presentation given at the Psychology of Language Learning PLL5 Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Rogers, C., McMurry, B., Dewey, D. (2024). The longitudinal effects of positive psychology interventions on English language learners. Presentation given at the Psychology of Language Learning PLL5 Conference, Madrid, Spain.

McMurry B. (2024). It’s Time to Maximize Interaction in the Classroom. Plenary given at the English Language Teaching Conference. Ulaabaatar, Mongolia.

McMurry B. (2024). Interactive Vocabulary and Reading. Workshop given at the English Language Teaching Conference. Ulaabaatar, Mongolia.

Farrales, J., McMurry, B. (2024). Integrating Positive Psychology and Language Learning​. Teaching Tip given at annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Tampa, FL.

McMurry B., Summers, M., Jackson, K. (2023). Evaluating and Researching Positive Language Learning Institutions. Presentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Sandy, UT.

Summers, M., Jackson, K., McMurry B. (2023). Grammar me this or that! PBL is where it’s at!. Presentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Sandy, UT.

McMurry B. (2023). Understanding the exceptional language learnerPresentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Sandy, UT.

Farrales, J., McMurry B., Lung, M. (2023). Integrating positive psychology and language learning. Presentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Sandy, UT.

McMurry, B., Farrales, J., Smith, L., Summers, M., Baker, A., Dewey, D. (2023). The effects of positive psychology interventions on teachers. Presentation given at The 34th International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition. Szczyrk, Poland.

Chan, K., McMurry B., Baker, A. (2023). Does mental contrasting and goal setting affect writing students’ self-regulation? Presentation given The 34th International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition. Szczyrk, Poland.

McMurry, B. (2023). Where do we go from here? Plenary given at the English Language Teaching Conference. Ulaabaatar, Mongolia.

McMurry, B. (2023). Interactive Grammar in Context. Workshop given at the English Language Teaching Conference. Ulaabaatar, Mongolia.

McCollum, R., McMurry, B. (2023) Time Management and Project Management Strategies for TESOL Professionals. Presentation given at at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Portland, OR.

Conferences Professional Council (2023). Conferences Professional Council. Workshop for first-time attendees led by McMurry, B. at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Portland, OR.

McMurry, B., Summers, M., Baker, A., Smith, L., Farrales, J., Dewey, D. (2023). The Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions on Teachers. Presentation given at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Portland, OR.

Chan, K., Baker, A., McMurry, B., Eckstein, G., & Dewey, D. (2022). Does Setting Language Goals Impact Students’ Self-regulation in Writing Classes? Presentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Cedar City, UT.

Summers, M., McMurry, B., Dewey, D., Baker, A., Jackson, K., Smith, L., & Farrales, J. (2022). Integrating Positive Psychology Interventions Into Language Learning Curriculum. Presentation given at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Cedar City, UT.

McMurry, B. (2022). Q&A with Program Directors. Invited Panelist at the Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Cedar City, UT.

Conferences Professional Council (2022). Conferences Professional Council. Workshop for first-time attendees led by McMurry, B. at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

Jackson, K., McMurry, B. (2022). Confidently Opening the Door to Open Educational Resources. Presentation given at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

McMurry, B., Summers, M., Rogers, C., Phillips, M., Ortega, D. (2022). Can Positive Psychology Interventions Be Successfully Blended With Language Instruction? Presentation given at the annual Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

McMurry, B., Summers, M., Rogers, C., Phillips, M., Ortega, D. (2021). Can Positive Psychology Interventions Be Successfully Blended with Language
Instruction? Workshop the 2021 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), held virtually.

James, J. & McMurry, B. (2021). Case Study: Administration and Operation of an L2 Conversation-Partner Program. Presentation given at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Virtual.

McMurry, B.L. (2020). Using Notion to Organize your Lesson Plans. Presented at the 2020 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), held virtually.

McMurry, B.L, Jackson, K., & Hart, J. (2019) Balancing Teacher Training and High Quality English Language Teaching. Workshop presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Taylorsville, UT.

McMurry, B.L. (2019). Hey Class, it’s TOEFL Tuesday! Teaching Tip presented at the 2019 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention. Atlanta, GA

McCollum, R.M, McMurry, B.L. (2019). Badges for Language Learning. Workshop presented at the 2019 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention. Atlanta, GA

Hartshorn, K.J., Hart, J., & McMurry, B.L. (2018). Language Skill Priorities among TESOL Practitioners, ESL students, and Their University Professors. Presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Salt Lake City, UT.

McMurry, B.L. (2018, September). How do I Teach Listening? Presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Salt Lake City, UT.

Hartshorn, K.J., Hart, J., & McMurry, B.L. (2018, March). Design, Deliver, Respond: Best Practices in Instructor and Course Evaluations. Pre-convention institute presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Chicago, IL.

Hartshorn, K.J., Hart, J., & McMurry B.L. (2018, March). Effective Development, Utilization, and Analysis of ESL Teacher Evaluations. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Chicago, IL.

Hartshorn, K.J., Hart, J., & McMurry B.L. (2017, October). Developing and Using Insightful ESL Teacher Evaluations. Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Provo, UT.

Sanders, C., Tanner M., & McMurry, B.L. (2017, October). Empowering Pre-Service TESOL Teachers through Reflective Teaching Journals. Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Provo, UT.

Summers, M., Cox. T., & McMurry, B.L. (2017, October). To Thine Own Self Be True: How Well Do Can-Do Statements Predict Ability? Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), Provo, UT.

McMurry, B.L. & Sanders, C. (2016, October). Microcredentialling for Teacher Professional Development. Presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Provo, UT.

Wyatt, A. & McMurry, B.L. (2016). Do you want to be my study buddy? Electronic Poster presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Convention, Boston, MA.

Jackson, K., Summers, M., McMurry, B.L., Hart, J. (2016). ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, Level Descriptors, and Learning Outcomes. Presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Convention, Boston, MA.

Summers, M., Cox. T., & McMurry, B.L. (2016). To Thine Own Self Be True: How Well Do Can-Do Statements Predict Ability? Presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Convention, Boston, MA.

Cox, T., Hart, J., & McMurry B.L. (2016).Systematic Approaches to Training Raters of ESL Speaking and Writing. Pre-convention institute presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Toronto, Canada.

McMurry, B.L. & Hart, J. (2015). Adapting ACTFL Proficiency Levels for an Academic Intensive English Center. Roundtable presented at the Annual ACTFL Convention, San Diego, CA.

McMurry, B.L., Brown, K., Summers, M., & Stephens, C. (2015). _Matching learning Outcomes to Learning Experiences. _Presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), West Yellowstone, MT.

McMurry, B.L. & Eckstein, G.E. (2015). Essentials of Curriculum Design and Development for ESL Teachers. Presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), West Yellowstone, MT.

Pettersson, J. & McMurry, B.L. (2015). Common Sense Grading Practices Which Support Student Learning. Presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of Intermountain Teachers of English as a Second Language (I-TESOL), West Yellowstone, MT.

McMurry, B. L. (2015). Canvas — An LMS for language learning. Paper presented at InstructureCon 2015, Park City, UT.

Eckstein, G.E., Evans, N.W., Hartshorn, K.J., & McMurry, B. L. (2015). _A contextualized approach to curriculum change and improvement. _Pre-convention institute presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Toronto, Canada.

McMurry, B.L., Henrichsen, L., & Ripplinger, L. (2014). Digital Teaching Portfolios.Presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Orem, UT.

McMurry, B.L., & Pettersson, J. (2014). Assessment for Engagement: Extensive Reading and Canvas Quizzes. Presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Orem, UT.

Eckstein, G.E., Evans, N. W., & Hartshorn, K. J., McMurry, B. L. (2014). Curriculum design for ESL programs: Focus on the essentials. Workshop presented at the conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Portland, OR.

McMurry, B.L., & Pettersson, J. (2014). Assessment for Engagement: Extensive Reading and Canvas Quizzes. Presented at the conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Portland, OR.

McMurry, B.L., & Pettersson, J. (2013). Tightening Up an IEP. Presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2013). C_riteria language teachers use for selecting call technologies._ Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Dallas, TX.

McMurry, B. L. (2012). An evaluation framework for CALL. Paper presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Orem, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2012). Criteria language teachers use for selecting CALL technologies. Paper presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Orem, UT.

McMurry, B. L., Henrichsen, L., Ripplinger, L. (2012). Digital teaching portfolios. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

McMurry, B. L. (2011). Creating a website for classroom use, online and blended learning, or to “flip” the classroom. Paper presented at the annual Intermountain TESOL conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2010). Using google sites to create a class website. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Electronic Village Boston, MA.

McMurry, B. L., & Henrichsen, L. (2010). Digital teaching portfolios. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Electronic Village, Boston, MA.

McMurry, B. L. (2009a). Google sites workshops. Paper presented at the Intermountain Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL) Conference, Provo, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2009b). iLife, ESL, and the past tense. Paper presented at the AcademiX Apple Educator Conference Salt Lake City, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2008). Make a phone call and use CALL. Paper presented at the Intermountain Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL) Conference, St. George, UT.

Evans, N., Hartshorn, K. J., Thompson, C., McMurry, B. L., Dodge, I., & Magnusson, J. (2007). Developing a curriculum philosophy. Paper presented at the conference of Intermountain TESOL, Twin Falls, ID.

McMurry, B. L. (2007a). Google tools for teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Intermountain Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL) Conference, Twin Falls, ID.

McMurry, B. L. (2007b). Open source software for teachers. Paper presented at the Intermountain Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL) Conference, Twin Falls, ID.

McMurry, B. L., Cox, T., & McCollum, R. (2007)._ Ideas for IPODS_. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Seattle, WA.

McMurry, B. L., Cox, T., & McCollum, R. (2006). Podcasting and ESL. Paper presented at the Intermountain Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ITESOL) Conference, Kaysville, UT.

McMurry, B. L. (2005). Using the web to promote autonomy. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention Graduate Student Forum, San Antonio, TX.

McMurry, B. L., McMurry, A., Tarawhiti, N., & Porter, S. (2005). Integrated students in an intensive english program. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention Graduate Student Forum, San Antonio, TX.

McMurry, B. L., Tanner, M., & Allen, E. (2004). Factors influencing autonomous learning by ESL students. Paper presented at the Deseret Language and Linguistics Society Symposium, Provo, UT.

McMurry, B. L., & Tanner, M. (2004). Training tutors for esl computer labs. Paper presented at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Long Beach, CA.



Brigham Young University — Provo UT
August 2019 — Present

  • Managed 5 Staff and Administrators and 5 faculty
  • Directed the day-to-day operations of the Intensive English Program
  • Worked with TESOL Teacher Trainers to ensure that out IEP was meeting the educational needs of prospective TESOL teachers

Brigham Young University – Provo UT
September 2014 – August 2019

  • Oversaw Curriculum Development and Implementation.
  • Oversaw hiring of student and non-student teachers.
  • Served on various committees.
  • Collected ELC Profile data.

Utah Valley University – Orem UT
August 2012 – August 2014

  • Taught ESL courses.
  • Coordinated Reading Curriculum, Teachers, and classes
  • Administered placement testing for new ESL students
  • Administered the ESL Tutoring Program

Avant Assessment, LLC., Eugene, OR
October 2011 – August 2012

  • Wrote multiple choice items for Spanish, Pashto, Dari, Farsi, and Iraqi Arabic language tests.
  • Managed a team of four native speakers of Iraqi Arabic to collect language samples for language tests.
  • Helped recruit native speakers of various languages for passage collection and consulting on language tests.

Brigham Young University – McKay School of Education, Provo, UT
January 2010 – August 2012

  • Worked with a small team to design, develop, and evaluate educational software.
  • Developed non-linear interactive web application (php, mysql, jquery, html 5, css 3) for learning: ISEE

Utah Valley University – Orem UT
January 2011 – August 2011

  • Taught ESL course in Intermediate writing.

Brigham Young University – McKay School of Education, Provo, UT
September 2009 – June 2011

  • Taught course to pre-service secondary education teachers on technology integration.
  • Worked with other teachers to refine the course curriculum.
  • Created course website with resources available to students.
  • Mentored students as they worked on technology projects.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
September 2009 – April 2011

  • Taught several ESL courses for various skill areas and at various levels.
  • Participated in language assessment final exam rating.
  • Participated in language assessment activities for student placement.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
September 2006 – August 2009

  • Taught several ESL courses for various skill areas and at various levels.
  • Participated in language assessment final exam rating.
  • Participated in language assessment activities for student placement.
  • Part of a design team that worked on program curriculum.
  • Created Curriculum Portfolio website.
  • Managed TESOL teacher training course.
  • Provided inservice meetings for teachers.
  • Helped with teacher hiring.
  • Dealt with teacher concerns.
  • Managed small semester budget for assigned skill areas.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
May 2006 – August 2006

  • Taught several ESL courses for various skill areas and at various levels.
  • Participated in language assessment final exam rating.
  • Participated in language assessment activities for student placement.

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL
August 2005 – December 2005

  • Taught ESL 505 – English for Business Communication

Selnate, Provo, UT
May 2005 – August 2005

  • Taught GMAT/GRE Math Preparation course to ESL students

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
January 2004 – August 2005

  • Taught several ESL courses for various skill areas and at various levels.
  • Participated in language assessment final exam rating.
  • Participated in language assessment activities for student placement.

Brigham Young University – Linguistics and English Language, Provo, UT
January 2005 – April 2005

  • Taught Linguistics 330 – Introduction to Linguistics.
  • Developed Linguistics Assessment to evaluate student learning.
  • Consulted and helped students in writing an academic paper.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
August 2002 – December 2004

  • Tutored ESL student from various linguistic backgrounds.
  • Performed basic Librarian Tasks.
  • Helped students with computer problems.
  • Provided workshops and support for teachers.
  • Helped manage and image lab computers.

Brigham Young University – Linguistics and English Language, Provo, UT
January 2003 – December 2004

  • Grade tests and assignments.
  • Collect articles regarding ESL Autonomy.
  • Provided study sessions for Linguistics 330 students.
  • Collected Survey Data.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
January 2004 – December 2004

  • Mentored student teachers.
  • Observed and provided feedback to student teachers.
  • Assessed language ability of ESL students from the community and placed them in the appropriate classes.

Brigham Young University – English Language Center, Provo, UT
May 2003 – December 2003

  • Helped place students in the appropriate classes.
  • Taught students with varying levels of experience.
  • Taught students from different cultural backgrounds.



Fran Jara (2024). Developing Adult English Language Learners' Fluency and Pronunciation Skills Through Readers Theater

Lauren Smith (2023). Mindfulness in the English as a Second Language Classroom

Cole Thorpe (2023). L2 English and Language Anxiety: Accuracy, Comprehensibility, and Speech Rate Across Three Communication Tasks

Michelle McMurray (2023). So You Want to Teach Abroad? A Guide for Prospective English Teachers

Haley Hansen (2023). ESL Program Analysis of U.S. Community Colleges

Kate Hadfield (2023). Student Perceptions of Praise in L2 Written Feedback

Jessica Sousa (2023). Positive Psychology Reading Materials: Integrating Reading Skills and Well-Being in ESL Instruction

Zachary Lambert (2022). Do ESL Students Progress an Entire ACTFL Proficiency Sub-level in Speaking and Writing Each Semester?

Matthew Millar (2022). Do ESL Students Progress an Entire ACTFL Proficiency Sub-level in Speaking and Writing Each Semester?

Adriana Reeve (2022). A Survey-Based Analysis on Adult Community ESL Learners: Perceptions of Challenges, Online Learning, Resources, and Skills

Maryann Phillips (2022). Publishing Positive Psychology for ESL Student Success

Carolee Rogers (2022). Positive Psychology Interventions in an SLA Context: A Semester-Long Study of the Impact of Positive Psychology on the Well-Being and Language Development of English Language Learners

Natasha Gillette (2022). The Creation of Items for a Listening Placement Test Item Bank in an Intensive English Program

Valmene Teriipaia (2021). Evaluating a Hospitality Context for an English Program
in Bora Bora.

Anne Bennion (2021). Mentoring English Language Teachers: Principles, Practices, and Resources

Ashley Benson (2021). Curating ESL Programs’ Resource Libraries

Claudia Mencarelli (2021). Application of a Self-Regulation Framework in an ESL Classroom: Effects on IEP International Students

Karla Coca (2020). Praise in Written Feedback: How L2 Writers Perceive and Value Praise

Sydney Sohler (2020). Developing Listening Comprehension in ESL Students at the Intermediate Level by Reading Transcripts While Listening: A Cognitive Load Perspective

Ariana Avila (2020). Development of a Communicative-Focused English as a Second Language Curriculum for the Provo Missionary Training Center According to the ACTFL Proficiency Scale

Adam Pinkston (2020). An Exploration of Mental Contrasting and Social Networks of English Language Learners

Asena Cakmakci, (2020). Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions to Lower Test Anxiety

Aislin Davis, (2019). A Comparison of Mobile and Computer Receptive Language ESL Tests

Johanna Domingo, (2019). Perceptions of Malaysian English Teachers Regarding the Importation of Expatriate Native and Nonnative English-speaking Teachers

Paula Cabrera, (2019). A TESOL MA Introductory Course: A Course for New TESOL MA Students at Brigham Young University

Katherine Nobmann, (2018). Toward Meeting the Needs of Novice ESOL Teachers

Corbin Rivera, (2018). The Effects of Metacognitive Listening Strategy Instruction on ESL Learners’ Listening Motivation

Susie McGann, (2018). Evaluating and addressing the needs of non-native English speakers in management communication courses at Brigham Young University

Jenelle Cox, (2018). The Needs Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of An ESL Teachers’ Guide to Pronunciation Teaching Using Online Resources

Judy James, (2018). The Needs Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of theStudy Buddy Map: An English Language Tutoring Tool

Cassandra Sanders, (2017). Teaching with intention: The perceived benefits of reflective teaching journals in TESOL teacher training.

Mariah Krauel, (2017). Designing and Developing an Online Self-Regulated Learning Course.

Maria Summers, (2017). Investigating the Use of the ACTFL Can-Do Statements in a Self-Assessment in an Intensive English Program for Student Placement



June 2022 – Present


October 2021 – Present


October 2020 – October 2021


October 2012 – October 2017

  • served as board member
  • Organized 2014 Conference

January 2007 – October 2017

  • Maintained organization website
  • Designed and developed the conference registration and payment systems.
  • Managed e-mail list.

August 2008 – October 2010

  • Managed registration payments for annual conference and mini conferences.
  • Managed budget.

October 2006-October 2008

  • Planned and carried out interest section mini conferences.
  • Arranged for speakers during annual conferences.

January 2004- August 2005

  • served as a liaison between Graduate Students in the Linguistics and English Language Department and the University.
  • met with Graduate student representatives from other departments to plan academic activities for graduate students.
  • set policies and procedures for the Graduate Student Association.


Spanish – Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking
French – High proficiency in reading
Hebrew – Novice proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking
Chinese – Novice proficiency in speaking and listening


Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award – BYU, September 2011
Grand Prize Winner of Innovative Instruction Competition – BYU, Mar 2011

  • Designed a literacy program that would allow students to work on reading fluency and accuracy autonomously and provide instant feedback to teachers.

Dean’s List, Brigham Young University, College of Humanities, December 2003
Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America August 1994